The variety of noises is infinite.
If today, when we have perhaps a thousand different machines, we can distinguish a thousand different noises, tomorrow, as new machines multiply, we will be able to distinguish ten, twenty, or thirty thousand different noises, not merely in a simply imitative way, but to combine them according to our imagination.
Luigi Russolo, 1913
Thanks for stopping by. This little site of mine is an attempt to organise and present a collection of sounds that have grabbed my attention over the years for one reason or another. Lockdown gave me the time to finally get it out of my head and onto a web page. It’s an ongoing process and a growing collection. You might enjoy bits of it and I can pretty much guarantee that you’ll find at least some of it pretty weird.
If you came looking for a site about the Futurist manifesto of the same name, I’m afraid that’s not what I’m up to here (though who knows, the project might grow to encompass some stuff about Luigi Russolo and his fellow futurists - I’m a bit of a fan), but for now it’s all about the noises.
Although we don’t see eye to eye on everything, Russolo and I do agree on some things about music vs sound, what constitutes ‘noise’ and where the somewhat arbitrary boundaries exist between these three.
So, in the spirit of Signor Russolo, please explore with ‘ears more sensitive than eyes’ and I hope you might find something you find interesting, enjoyable, worthy of further exploration - or just memorably odd. Enjoy.